Wednesday, 28 December 2016

Know my Rajputana : Ram Ram sa !!

Ram ram sa....... Welome
Ram ram sa  what does this mean.  Rajputana( old name of rajasthan  which means land of sons of kings )or Rajasthan we treat every guest as our Lord and not only in my Rajputana but in all over india guest is treated as lord, so Ram Ram  refer to lord Ramsa pir (Lok devta Ramdev) . And sa means 'ji' or it is use to gave or show more respect.
But it have more deep meaning ..... Let me tell you.  in india we see every person as god so instead of calling any one's name we use word namostey or Ram Ram sa or Radhe Krishna and many more...
According to Bagvat geeta   every beautiful thing is god so,  everyone is beautifully . Definitely this is something that our internet generation don't know and never understand.  This is our culture to see beauty in every person and our sanskar teaches us this every day whenever we say ram ram sa!
Basically all are names of  god. Word is so simply but meaning is heart touching and deep so this is my Rajputana.
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